Short-Term Rentals

If you care about your city being able to still regulate short term Rentals please call and voice your opinions. This bill is designed to give less control and is a destroyer of neighborhoods and property value.
– Samuel Hutkin

HB 1011, a bill to allow short term rentals, has just passed the house subcommittee by a vote of 8-5. Among other things, HB 1011 will preempt the regulation of short-term rentals to the state and undo local ordinances adopted since 2014.

HB 1011 will next go to the house commerce committee.

The Senate companion bill SB 1128 is expected to go to the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee next Tuesday, Feb 11th at 10am.

If you’d like to contact the Chair and Vice Chair Senators on the Commerce and Tourism Committee, below is their contact information:

(Chair) Senator Joe Gruters (R)
To email him:

(Vice Chair) Victor M. Torres, Jr. (D)
To email him: